Monday, February 8, 2010

Prevent Awkward Facebook Breakups

For most young and in love couples, starting a new relationship means making a public statement, by updating your relationship status on Facebook for all of your contacts to see.

Ending that relationship results in a disaster because all your friends and business contacts are notified of your awkward relationship status change.

Facebook is a social networking website that may allow everyone to know everything about your personal life, including your current relationship status, if you do not properly control how your personal information is displayed.

Some Facebook users simply enjoy changing their relationship status to make a public statement but for those who do not like notifying their contacts of their personal business there are a number of ways to control how your relationship status is displayed.

Deselecting the box next to “Remove Relationship Status” in the News Feed and Wall Privacy Page, is a smart move to hedge against future disasters.

This avoids making an uncomfortable breakup more uncomfortable by avoiding a friend notification about it.

Your relationship status is located in your “Basic Information” section of your profile. You can control who can see your basic information next to the Basic Information setting on the Profile Privacy Page.

Your current relationship status is personal information that simply does not have to be anyone’s business but your own.